all postcodes in SW4 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW4 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW4 6JW 12 0 51.469587 -0.130713
SW4 6JX 9 0 51.46886 -0.135882
SW4 6JY 17 0 51.468709 -0.136565
SW4 6JZ 20 0 51.468454 -0.137468
SW4 6LA 4 0 51.468388 -0.137903
SW4 6LB 7 0 51.468328 -0.138596
SW4 6LD 6 0 51.468265 -0.139189
SW4 6LE 10 1 51.465128 -0.130823
SW4 6LG 12 0 51.469063 -0.13789
SW4 6LJ 36 0 51.465838 -0.130682
SW4 6LL 20 0 51.466625 -0.130995
SW4 6LN 26 0 51.467018 -0.131465
SW4 6LP 24 0 51.467325 -0.132072
SW4 6LR 66 0 51.467939 -0.1334
SW4 6LS 12 0 51.468049 -0.135196
SW4 6LT 53 1 51.467649 -0.133786
SW4 6LU 73 0 51.4665 -0.131688
SW4 6LW 8 0 51.467087 -0.131866
SW4 6LX 16 0 51.465511 -0.130015
SW4 6LY 5 5 51.466664 -0.132934