all postcodes in SW4 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW4 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW4 0EG 10 0 51.464218 -0.14029
SW4 0AF 97 19 51.463616 -0.140329
SW4 0AN 90 2 51.463412 -0.139358
SW4 0JQ 2 1 51.463626 -0.140922
SW4 0AR 0 51.465621 -0.146553
SW4 0AS 28 9 51.463604 -0.142938
SW4 0AP 34 0 51.464108 -0.143548
SW4 4AB 1 51.463324 -0.138901
SW4 4AN 1 1 51.463324 -0.138875
SW4 4AU 1 1 51.463324 -0.138901
SW4 4BQ 1 51.463324 -0.138901
SW4 4BW 1 51.463324 -0.138901
SW4 4DU 1 1 51.463324 -0.138901
SW4 4ED 1 51.463324 -0.138901
SW4 4EF 1 51.463324 -0.138901
SW4 4EG 1 1 51.463324 -0.138901
SW4 4EL 0 51.463324 -0.138875
SW4 4EP 0 51.463324 -0.138875
SW4 4EQ 1 0 51.463324 -0.138875
SW4 4ER 1 0 51.463324 -0.138875