all postcodes in SW7 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW7 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW7 2JN 9 51.494883 -0.17523
SW7 2JR 1 51.494592 -0.17504
SW7 2JS 0 51.49443 -0.17558
SW7 2JX 0 51.494426 -0.175239
SW7 2JY 0 51.494683 -0.175656
SW7 2JZ 0 51.494858 -0.17539
SW7 2LA 1 51.494367 -0.175049
SW7 2LB 1 51.494304 -0.175052
SW7 2LD 4 51.494555 -0.174408
SW7 2LQ 15 51.494612 -0.174017
SW7 2LT 15 51.494303 -0.173813
SW7 2NA 10 51.494128 -0.174094
SW7 2NB 8 51.494116 -0.173936
SW7 2ND 3 51.494096 -0.174369
SW7 2NG 1 51.49363 -0.172716
SW7 2NH 0 51.493398 -0.171141
SW7 2NJ 7 51.493716 -0.170206
SW7 2NN 0 51.493487 -0.169351
SW7 2NP 0 51.493375 -0.17022
SW7 2NQ 0 51.493307 -0.171663