all postcodes in SY1 / SHREWSBURY

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY1 3EN 1 52.729994 -2.743007
SY1 3EP 1 52.730797 -2.742473
SY1 3ER 0 52.731633 -2.741095
SY1 3ES 0 52.732306 -2.741329
SY1 3ET 0 52.73299 -2.741237
SY1 3EU 0 52.732548 -2.739926
SY1 3EW 0 52.731262 -2.74297
SY1 3EX 0 52.732698 -2.74178
SY1 3EY 0 52.733208 -2.742307
SY1 3EZ 0 52.732129 -2.743681
SY1 3GA 17 52.744671 -2.742013
SY1 3HA 0 52.732817 -2.742878
SY1 3HB 0 52.733127 -2.743742
SY1 3HD 0 52.733449 -2.74391
SY1 3HE 0 52.733753 -2.742731
SY1 3HF 0 52.734304 -2.742399
SY1 3HG 0 52.734089 -2.743699
SY1 3HH 0 52.734686 -2.743117
SY1 3HJ 0 52.735295 -2.743483
SY1 3HL 0 52.735359 -2.744743