all postcodes in SY10 / ELLESMERE

find any address or company within the SY10 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY10 7EF 5 0 52.886693 -3.052184
SY10 7EG 3 0 52.886303 -3.05158
SY10 7EH 4 0 52.895898 -3.056302
SY10 7EJ 10 0 52.896276 -3.049161
SY10 7EL 4 0 52.898802 -3.050128
SY10 7EP 2 0 52.900254 -3.059379
SY10 7EQ 6 0 52.891878 -3.055386
SY10 7ER 5 0 52.908131 -3.063573
SY10 7ES 4 0 52.896154 -3.057839
SY10 7ET 15 0 52.893207 -3.059655
SY10 7EU 20 2 52.899901 -3.065689
SY10 7EW 2 0 52.899019 -3.050608
SY10 7EX 4 0 52.903258 -3.065595
SY10 7EY 13 0 52.897972 -3.070161
SY10 7EZ 7 0 52.899233 -3.089178
SY10 7HA 8 0 52.902105 -3.090588
SY10 7HB 27 6 52.91936 -3.025221
SY10 7HD 62 2 52.88695 -3.032141
SY10 7HF 9 0 52.853279 -3.068201
SY10 7HG 13 0 52.85395 -3.06752