all postcodes in SY11 / OSWESTRY

find any address or company within the SY11 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY11 1HP 0 52.863135 -3.05029
SY11 1HQ 0 52.863439 -3.048814
SY11 1HR 0 52.863342 -3.049658
SY11 1HT 1 52.864134 -3.047523
SY11 1HU 0 52.865435 -3.045698
SY11 1HW 0 52.862906 -3.051103
SY11 1HY 1 52.865987 -3.04329
SY11 1HZ 4 52.867147 -3.041786
SY11 1JA 0 52.866573 -3.043036
SY11 1JB 0 52.866457 -3.041576
SY11 1JD 0 52.867002 -3.040254
SY11 1JE 1 52.867703 -3.03831
SY11 1JF 0 52.866864 -3.039597
SY11 1JN 5 52.860606 -3.056068
SY11 1JQ 0 52.867099 -3.038518
SY11 1JR 1 52.860305 -3.055571
SY11 1JS 2 52.861541 -3.054041
SY11 1JU 0 52.861518 -3.053595
SY11 1JY 0 52.861734 -3.054536
SY11 1JZ 2 52.861708 -3.056436