all postcodes in SY13 / MALPAS

find any address or company within the SY13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY13 2JE 8 0 52.922296 -2.653394
SY13 2JF 18 0 52.920424 -2.647252
SY13 2JH 3 0 52.960343 -2.757298
SY13 2JJ 14 1 52.960388 -2.762926
SY13 2JL 5 0 52.924906 -2.650769
SY13 2JN 2 1 52.962558 -2.768859
SY13 2JP 10 0 52.962831 -2.781222
SY13 2JQ 15 0 52.96163 -2.755668
SY13 2JR 2 0 52.962883 -2.787936
SY13 2JS 2 0 52.963007 -2.793626
SY13 2JT 4 0 52.968234 -2.789405
SY13 2JU 1 0 52.958082 -2.788416
SY13 2JW 3 0 52.962415 -2.776971
SY13 2JX 7 0 52.935652 -2.803452
SY13 2JZ 3 0 52.93282 -2.803504
SY13 2LA 1 0 52.926228 -2.802474
SY13 2LB 16 0 52.920223 -2.801129
SY13 2LD 2 1 52.91673 -2.79208
SY13 2LE 1 0 52.926049 -2.81687
SY13 2LF 17 0 52.922477 -2.825207