all postcodes in SY16 / NEWTOWN

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY16 3DE 5 0 52.603025 -3.393292
SY16 3DF 4 0 52.60049 -3.407741
SY16 3DG 6 1 52.596173 -3.395747
SY16 3DH 6 0 52.584751 -3.398336
SY16 3DJ 7 0 52.590167 -3.390449
SY16 3DL 6 0 52.593553 -3.37067
SY16 3DN 8 0 52.515247 -3.286441
SY16 3DP 10 0 52.561148 -3.295912
SY16 3DQ 1 0 52.590473 -3.402593
SY16 3DR 21 0 52.561264 -3.299309
SY16 3DS 45 3 52.562048 -3.296413
SY16 3DU 29 0 52.56119 -3.297817
SY16 3DW 11 0 52.599496 -3.386049
SY16 3DX 17 0 52.563389 -3.280798
SY16 3DZ 1 0 52.548916 -3.2857
SY16 3EA 6 0 52.564625 -3.297815
SY16 3EB 5 0 52.570476 -3.302813
SY16 3ED 5 0 52.563997 -3.301706
SY16 3EE 30 0 52.578203 -3.331554
SY16 3EF 23 0 52.577019 -3.332876