all postcodes in SY16 / NEWTOWN

find any address or company within the SY16 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY16 4DW 15 0 52.493786 -3.283178
SY16 4DX 4 0 52.51221 -3.262083
SY16 4DY 5 0 52.50567 -3.253143
SY16 4DZ 55 0 52.499902 -3.260419
SY16 4EA 18 0 52.499616 -3.261899
SY16 4EB 9 0 52.499968 -3.258476
SY16 4ED 1 0 52.499888 -3.262584
SY16 4EE 4 0 52.512849 -3.299427
SY16 4EF 2 0 52.511931 -3.281086
SY16 4EG 10 0 52.504462 -3.212961
SY16 4EH 14 0 52.50966 -3.179921
SY16 4EJ 12 2 52.510063 -3.174584
SY16 4EL 2 0 52.510199 -3.151291
SY16 4EN 12 0 52.510253 -3.146062
SY16 4EP 5 0 52.523387 -3.16188
SY16 4EQ 2 0 52.505081 -3.190687
SY16 4ER 5 0 52.528295 -3.145367
SY16 4ES 6 0 52.533261 -3.14128
SY16 4ET 2 0 52.529286 -3.154989
SY16 4EU 7 0 52.513556 -3.174205