all postcodes in SY1 / SHREWSBURY

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY1 1AF 0 52.708254 -2.756181
SY1 1US 0 52.707373 -2.752893
SY1 1PA 21 0 52.712465 -2.750908
SY1 2AA 1 1 52.711403 -2.750137
SY1 2AB 15 4 52.711185 -2.750488
SY1 2AD 11 8 52.710753 -2.750511
SY1 2AE 7 4 52.711378 -2.750756
SY1 2AF 18 0 52.718826 -2.743439
SY1 2AG 1 1 52.711183 -2.750873
SY1 2AH 14 1 52.7215 -2.751317
SY1 2AJ 26 9 52.710187 -2.751343
SY1 2AQ 7 5 52.710904 -2.750854
SY1 2AS 2 2 52.710721 -2.750893
SY1 2AT 2 1 52.710195 -2.750188
SY1 2AU 9 0 52.7097 -2.750135
SY1 2AZ 10 3 52.71001 -2.75091
SY1 2BA 43 0 52.709038 -2.750274
SY1 2BB 12 5 52.709758 -2.751515
SY1 2BD 3 2 52.709204 -2.752453
SY1 2BG 9 0 52.709865 -2.751754