all postcodes in SY2 / SHREWSBURY

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY2 5DJ 0 52.710363 -2.738292
SY2 5DL 0 52.710906 -2.739175
SY2 5DN 0 52.71094 -2.737947
SY2 5DP 1 52.711996 -2.737373
SY2 5DS 0 52.711644 -2.737485
SY2 5DT 0 52.712432 -2.737943
SY2 5DU 0 52.71239 -2.736151
SY2 5DW 0 52.71165 -2.738874
SY2 5DX 0 52.713296 -2.736447
SY2 5DY 0 52.713212 -2.735424
SY2 5DZ 0 52.713624 -2.734292
SY2 5EA 0 52.714569 -2.73413
SY2 5EB 0 52.714587 -2.732665
SY2 5ED 0 52.715072 -2.732687
SY2 5EE 0 52.714327 -2.735458
SY2 5EF 0 52.715797 -2.734624
SY2 5EG 0 52.717483 -2.733912
SY2 5EH 0 52.709872 -2.739187
SY2 5EJ 0 52.71603 -2.73337
SY2 5EN 1 52.706022 -2.735111