all postcodes in SY20 / MACHYNLLETH

find any address or company within the SY20 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY20 9DS 1 52.586582 -3.921621
SY20 9DT 0 52.593129 -3.919464
SY20 9DU 0 52.601114 -3.906611
SY20 9DW 2 52.5853 -3.920827
SY20 9DX 0 52.597297 -3.920097
SY20 9DY 0 52.593825 -3.928087
SY20 9DZ 0 52.588136 -3.920736
SY20 9EE 0 52.718971 -3.664675
SY20 9EF 0 52.711053 -3.666867
SY20 9EL 0 52.698925 -3.67894
SY20 9EN 0 52.694893 -3.681745
SY20 9EP 0 52.693589 -3.69212
SY20 9EW 0 52.686464 -3.6941
SY20 9EX 0 52.63641 -3.833351
SY20 9EY 0 52.636814 -3.83379
SY20 9EZ 0 52.636969 -3.833242
SY20 9HA 1 52.637158 -3.836708
SY20 9HB 1 52.637864 -3.836412
SY20 9HD 1 52.641496 -3.842181
SY20 9HE 0 52.646514 -3.814159