all postcodes in SY20 / MACHYNLLETH

find any address or company within the SY20 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY20 9JX 1 52.582528 -3.902247
SY20 9JY 1 52.585432 -3.923939
SY20 9JZ 0 52.582714 -3.937326
SY20 9LA 0 52.583339 -3.937059
SY20 9LB 0 52.575033 -3.950078
SY20 9LD 0 52.573203 -3.941069
SY20 9LE 0 52.578973 -3.958651
SY20 9LF 0 52.603913 -3.89283
SY20 9LG 0 52.580646 -3.927812
SY20 9LL 0 52.717831 -3.691208
SY20 9LN 1 52.713555 -3.690391
SY20 9LP 2 52.711854 -3.689867
SY20 9LR 1 52.709287 -3.690804
SY20 9LS 1 52.709561 -3.690488
SY20 9LT 1 52.708514 -3.692032
SY20 9LU 0 52.710288 -3.691893
SY20 9LW 0 52.71334 -3.690138
SY20 9LX 0 52.72774 -3.711169
SY20 9ND 0 52.673942 -3.709199
SY20 9NE 0 52.674168 -3.709104