all postcodes in SY20 / MACHYNLLETH

find any address or company within the SY20 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY20 9SJ 0 52.651615 -3.842503
SY20 9SL 0 52.652629 -3.843041
SY20 9SN 0 52.652426 -3.842996
SY20 9SP 1 52.654523 -3.842241
SY20 9SR 0 52.654232 -3.842465
SY20 9SS 0 52.654321 -3.841937
SY20 9SU 0 52.654204 -3.841385
SY20 9SW 0 52.654572 -3.842568
SY20 9SX 0 52.654437 -3.841454
SY20 9SY 0 52.654364 -3.84131
SY20 9SZ 0 52.653927 -3.840508
SY20 9TA 0 52.65363 -3.840134
SY20 9TB 0 52.653574 -3.839658
SY20 9TD 0 52.653682 -3.839071
SY20 9TE 0 52.653819 -3.838959
SY20 9TF 0 52.653484 -3.83856
SY20 9TG 0 52.651908 -3.838686
SY20 9TH 0 52.654864 -3.842891
SY20 9TJ 0 52.655056 -3.841916
SY20 9TL 0 52.655146 -3.843258