all postcodes in SY23 / LLANON

find any address or company within the SY23 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY23 2BJ 17 9 52.415379 -4.084162
SY23 2BN 21 0 52.421535 -4.084335
SY23 2BS 7 2 52.415674 -4.084779
SY23 2BT 23 2 52.416093 -4.08449
SY23 2BX 27 4 52.418545 -4.084091
SY23 2BY 55 0 52.417899 -4.084002
SY23 2DA 1 1 52.418691 -4.08398
SY23 2DB 51 0 52.418948 -4.084228
SY23 2DD 10 0 52.419586 -4.084199
SY23 2DG 110 0 52.42115 -4.084273
SY23 2DH 325 2 52.421865 -4.084361
SY23 2DJ 16 1 52.42078 -4.084329
SY23 2DN 60 1 52.423018 -4.081316
SY23 2HX 24 0 52.422194 -4.08113
SY23 2DP 84 0 52.420934 -4.084292
SY23 2DT 16 2 52.415849 -4.084008
SY23 2DU 1 1 52.415887 -4.084392
SY23 2DX 62 5 52.416473 -4.082817
SY23 2ED 15 0 52.417576 -4.080942
SY23 2EE 42 0 52.418445 -4.081101