all postcodes in SY4 / SHREWSBURY

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY4 1EL 9 0 52.748764 -2.868735
SY4 1EN 8 1 52.7468 -2.876696
SY4 1EP 3 0 52.757093 -2.87791
SY4 1EQ 2 0 52.740112 -2.860148
SY4 1ER 25 0 52.735524 -2.844373
SY4 1ES 4 0 52.740579 -2.846991
SY4 1ET 12 0 52.740809 -2.844937
SY4 1EU 26 0 52.747803 -2.830551
SY4 1EW 2 0 52.754666 -2.870095
SY4 1EX 3 0 52.745078 -2.832398
SY4 1EY 8 0 52.751073 -2.83509
SY4 1EZ 1 0 52.75306 -2.832624
SY4 1HA 12 1 52.754078 -2.832258
SY4 1HB 4 0 52.753544 -2.835271
SY4 1HD 1 0 52.75344 -2.844988
SY4 1HE 1 0 52.757654 -2.838861
SY4 1HF 1 52.759649 -2.836529
SY4 1HG 0 52.760243 -2.837592
SY4 1HH 0 52.765423 -2.843709
SY4 1HJ 0 52.762222 -2.841305