all postcodes in SY5 / SHREWSBURY

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY5 6BB 12 1 52.618649 -2.663201
SY5 6BD 2 0 52.61658 -2.665002
SY5 6BE 6 0 52.61619 -2.664496
SY5 6BG 7 0 52.623351 -2.655593
SY5 6BH 4 2 52.620724 -2.651034
SY5 6BL 6 0 52.640732 -2.664676
SY5 6BS 6 0 52.632609 -2.608686
SY5 6BT 4 1 52.632643 -2.607298
SY5 6BU 4 0 52.633318 -2.603732
SY5 6BX 11 0 52.633369 -2.60255
SY5 6BY 10 2 52.633533 -2.603749
SY5 6BZ 4 0 52.633998 -2.602544
SY5 6DA 25 0 52.632609 -2.601742
SY5 6DB 27 0 52.6321 -2.602873
SY5 6DD 2 0 52.631745 -2.604785
SY5 6DE 1 1 52.633332 -2.604515
SY5 6DF 25 0 52.631581 -2.604033
SY5 6DG 2 0 52.629313 -2.596995
SY5 6DH 27 2 52.633782 -2.597251
SY5 6DJ 3 0 52.633045 -2.584579