all postcodes in SY5 / SHREWSBURY

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY5 8BF 2 0 52.601181 -2.833787
SY5 8DJ 6 0 52.608973 -2.85932
SY5 8DL 2 0 52.609615 -2.868681
SY5 8DQ 3 1 52.602283 -2.829717
SY5 8DS 40 2 52.616199 -2.851367
SY5 8DT 3 0 52.613282 -2.853925
SY5 8DU 2 0 52.612849 -2.849235
SY5 8DX 12 0 52.617011 -2.85094
SY5 8DZ 5 0 52.622048 -2.849324
SY5 8EA 2 0 52.626643 -2.844951
SY5 8EB 17 0 52.628562 -2.849465
SY5 8ED 2 0 52.626737 -2.85073
SY5 8EE 2 0 52.627856 -2.850072
SY5 8EF 4 0 52.636775 -2.854102
SY5 8EG 5 0 52.637569 -2.853703
SY5 8EP 8 0 52.657936 -2.820052
SY5 8EQ 8 0 52.622806 -2.867612
SY5 8ER 1 0 52.657836 -2.820109
SY5 8ES 2 0 52.654899 -2.823188
SY5 8ET 17 0 52.653757 -2.826301