all postcodes in SY5 / SHREWSBURY

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY5 9DA 9 0 52.691292 -2.968411
SY5 9DB 6 1 52.69634 -2.967901
SY5 9DD 27 1 52.69783 -2.974815
SY5 9DE 26 1 52.691767 -2.983972
SY5 9DF 12 0 52.678803 -2.952027
SY5 9DG 6 1 52.698782 -2.986867
SY5 9DH 3 0 52.687369 -3.007721
SY5 9DJ 6 0 52.687067 -3.019905
SY5 9DL 7 0 52.686215 -3.034117
SY5 9DN 11 0 52.704267 -2.993148
SY5 9DP 4 0 52.714384 -2.971054
SY5 9DQ 9 0 52.694979 -3.007201
SY5 9DR 1 0 52.70777 -2.975155
SY5 9DS 1 0 52.704933 -2.978567
SY5 9DT 20 0 52.70027 -2.969882
SY5 9DU 10 4 52.699234 -2.968039
SY5 9DW 13 0 52.709307 -2.984944
SY5 9DX 11 1 52.700125 -2.964551
SY5 9DY 9 1 52.699144 -2.960283
SY5 9DZ 22 0 52.698002 -2.956541