all postcodes in SY7 / CHURCH STRETTON

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY7 0DH 8 52.346148 -2.926953
SY7 0DL 0 52.343962 -2.926539
SY7 0DN 0 52.338615 -2.929202
SY7 0DP 0 52.319364 -2.921463
SY7 0DR 0 52.325361 -2.914881
SY7 0DS 1 52.328432 -2.910338
SY7 0DT 0 52.318737 -2.9337
SY7 0DW 0 52.329876 -2.924587
SY7 0DX 0 52.30575 -2.930934
SY7 0DY 3 52.299742 -2.932713
SY7 0DZ 0 52.290084 -2.924667
SY7 0EA 0 52.284685 -2.930976
SY7 0EB 0 52.28345 -2.912948
SY7 0ED 0 52.298713 -2.929393
SY7 0EE 0 52.302025 -2.909297
SY7 0EF 0 52.313168 -2.905345
SY7 0EL 4 52.356613 -2.946275
SY7 0EN 0 52.353799 -2.945143
SY7 0EP 0 52.358686 -2.922868
SY7 0ER 0 52.364382 -2.919903