all postcodes in SY8 / LUDLOW

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY8 4JU 4 0 52.364112 -2.687419
SY8 4JW 52 0 52.30132 -2.74716
SY8 4JX 12 0 52.367485 -2.682493
SY8 4JY 6 0 52.358638 -2.677775
SY8 4JZ 19 1 52.348261 -2.682945
SY8 4LA 1 1 52.353702 -2.666805
SY8 4LB 8 0 52.30761 -2.701444
SY8 4LD 5 0 52.339553 -2.677513
SY8 4LE 1 0 52.333411 -2.666808
SY8 4LF 5 0 52.330409 -2.667465
SY8 4LG 11 0 52.324533 -2.65479
SY8 4LH 10 0 52.31365 -2.665323
SY8 4LJ 9 0 52.312478 -2.665789
SY8 4LL 4 0 52.310179 -2.657394
SY8 4LN 21 0 52.311594 -2.656711
SY8 4LP 5 0 52.311674 -2.628901
SY8 4LQ 27 0 52.322205 -2.667476
SY8 4LR 14 0 52.316185 -2.639219
SY8 4LS 2 0 52.31417 -2.631897
SY8 4LT 9 0 52.323101 -2.64708