all postcodes in SY / Shrewsbury

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District

SY / Shrewsbury

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY1 2SD 7 0 52.715581 -2.741919
SY1 2SE 12 0 52.71642 -2.742895
SY1 2SF 36 0 52.716084 -2.741927
SY1 2SG 26 0 52.717814 -2.74286
SY1 2SH 40 0 52.717353 -2.741786
SY1 2SJ 14 0 52.716451 -2.741798
SY1 2SL 19 0 52.716669 -2.740531
SY1 2SN 14 0 52.717578 -2.740354
SY1 2SP 31 2 52.718675 -2.737411
SY1 2SQ 42 0 52.718192 -2.742227
SY1 2SR 26 0 52.718811 -2.741485
SY1 2SS 28 0 52.719128 -2.741165
SY1 2ST 4 0 52.71967 -2.742151
SY1 2SW 20 0 52.717985 -2.739931
SY1 2TA 3 2 52.719667 -2.742684
SY1 2TD 31 0 52.721076 -2.741627
SY1 2TE 11 1 52.720449 -2.741172
SY1 2TF 1 1 52.720315 -2.741125
SY1 2TJ 22 0 52.721703 -2.740468
SY1 2TN 32 0 52.718286 -2.737686