all postcodes in TD1 / GALASHIELS

find any address or company within the TD1 postcode district

Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD1 3DY 34 1 55.607907 -2.792035
TD1 3DZ 8 0 55.608566 -2.790127
TD1 3EA 5 0 55.608019 -2.789941
TD1 3EB 4 4 55.607278 -2.789196
TD1 3ED 24 0 55.607555 -2.793567
TD1 3EE 16 0 55.607185 -2.793782
TD1 3EF 28 0 55.607255 -2.791307
TD1 3EG 21 0 55.606927 -2.791939
TD1 3EH 7 1 55.609481 -2.788955
TD1 3EJ 12 0 55.610032 -2.789903
TD1 3EL 10 0 55.609576 -2.78956
TD1 3EN 28 0 55.609501 -2.789971
TD1 3EP 4 0 55.603325 -2.784943
TD1 3EQ 3 0 55.606974 -2.79173
TD1 3ER 8 0 55.603385 -2.786785
TD1 3ES 15 0 55.602818 -2.785456
TD1 3ET 50 0 55.606936 -2.786539
TD1 3EU 30 0 55.607068 -2.788319
TD1 3EW 1 0 55.608227 -2.795327
TD1 3EX 2 0 55.607476 -2.790379