all postcodes in TD11 / GORDON

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Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD11 3HH 0 55.773853 -2.334677
TD11 3HJ 0 55.77698 -2.338084
TD11 3HL 0 55.774721 -2.332628
TD11 3HN 0 55.772938 -2.337602
TD11 3HP 0 55.774687 -2.341842
TD11 3HQ 0 55.776726 -2.33239
TD11 3HR 2 55.774097 -2.327426
TD11 3HS 25 55.770343 -2.336863
TD11 3HT 2 55.759106 -2.338901
TD11 3HU 0 55.74737 -2.326167
TD11 3HW 0 55.772117 -2.341851
TD11 3HX 0 55.717768 -2.321367
TD11 3HY 2 55.718437 -2.289846
TD11 3HZ 0 55.739163 -2.262845
TD11 3JA 4 55.736764 -2.288271
TD11 3JB 0 55.718902 -2.267987
TD11 3JD 0 55.718435 -2.267936
TD11 3JE 2 55.720587 -2.257524
TD11 3JF 0 55.720166 -2.261214
TD11 3JG 0 55.720884 -2.261299