all postcodes in TD2 / LAUDER

find any address or company within the TD2 postcode district

Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD2 6SD 0 55.720289 -2.667926
TD2 6SE 0 55.724071 -2.668166
TD2 6SF 0 55.722436 -2.690351
TD2 6SG 0 55.714331 -2.701525
TD2 6SH 1 55.726248 -2.660943
TD2 6SJ 0 55.738468 -2.662583
TD2 6SL 0 55.717541 -2.747119
TD2 6SN 0 55.717115 -2.750756
TD2 6SP 0 55.717316 -2.750219
TD2 6SQ 0 55.719406 -2.649987
TD2 6SR 7 55.719381 -2.748953
TD2 6SS 2 55.719053 -2.746829
TD2 6ST 2 55.71952 -2.746759
TD2 6SU 0 55.71835 -2.745718
TD2 6SW 0 55.717252 -2.748944
TD2 6SX 2 55.71869 -2.747396
TD2 6SY 0 55.718544 -2.747791
TD2 6SZ 0 55.718934 -2.747177
TD2 6TB 1 55.719181 -2.747883
TD2 6TD 0 55.720223 -2.749415