all postcodes in TD9 / NEWCASTLETON

find any address or company within the TD9 postcode district

Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD9 7EL 38 3 55.428419 -2.788942
TD9 7EN 49 2 55.429618 -2.78835
TD9 7EP 29 0 55.428616 -2.791838
TD9 7ER 22 0 55.428276 -2.791705
TD9 7ES 18 0 55.428652 -2.790495
TD9 7ET 12 0 55.429039 -2.790345
TD9 7EW 33 0 55.429198 -2.792197
TD9 7HD 1 0 55.428134 -2.799713
TD9 7HE 11 0 55.429873 -2.793364
TD9 7HF 13 0 55.432193 -2.79311
TD9 7HG 11 0 55.43201 -2.790958
TD9 7HH 16 0 55.426206 -2.793543
TD9 7HJ 2 0 55.424838 -2.794027
TD9 7HL 10 0 55.424859 -2.794875
TD9 7HN 3 1 55.423854 -2.795929
TD9 7HQ 2 1 55.428611 -2.789899
TD9 7HR 5 0 55.424981 -2.796837
TD9 7HS 7 0 55.423876 -2.803561
TD9 7HT 21 0 55.424446 -2.801566
TD9 7HU 3 0 55.423457 -2.804406