all postcodes in TF13 / MUCH WENLOCK

find any address or company within the TF13 postcode district

Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF13 6BD 1 1 52.595372 -2.561563
TF13 6BG 6 1 52.595094 -2.560745
TF13 6BE 4 0 52.595672 -2.560888
TF13 6BH 12 0 52.596347 -2.560675
TF13 6BJ 16 0 52.597402 -2.56001
TF13 6BL 22 3 52.595605 -2.559942
TF13 6BN 5 0 52.594245 -2.552662
TF13 6BP 6 0 52.59644 -2.558093
TF13 6BQ 7 0 52.595976 -2.561261
TF13 6BS 4 0 52.596174 -2.559241
TF13 6BT 4 0 52.595908 -2.558529
TF13 6BU 18 0 52.595924 -2.558943
TF13 6BW 54 0 52.592544 -2.553201
TF13 6BX 8 1 52.596653 -2.558775
TF13 6BY 4 0 52.596777 -2.559101
TF13 6BZ 43 0 52.595048 -2.563597
TF13 6DA 6 0 52.594875 -2.562118
TF13 6DB 6 0 52.596992 -2.570575
TF13 6DD 18 5 52.589883 -2.579502
TF13 6DE 12 0 52.584782 -2.587552