all postcodes in TF2 / SHIFNAL

find any address or company within the TF2 postcode district

Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF2 2HG 1 1 52.64086 -2.444613
TF2 2HJ 0 52.64086 -2.444613
TF2 2HL 1 52.64086 -2.444613
TF2 2HN 1 52.64086 -2.444613
TF2 2HQ 1 52.64086 -2.444613
TF2 2HP 1 52.64086 -2.444613
TF2 6AA 8 52.694663 -2.450326
TF2 6AD 0 52.692709 -2.448974
TF2 6AE 1 52.693655 -2.448214
TF2 6AF 0 52.694086 -2.450793
TF2 6AG 1 52.693351 -2.450253
TF2 6AH 6 52.695222 -2.453866
TF2 6AJ 0 52.695556 -2.454256
TF2 6AL 0 52.695382 -2.457495
TF2 6AN 1 52.694897 -2.457342
TF2 6AP 0 52.696769 -2.459211
TF2 6AQ 6 52.694589 -2.451006
TF2 6AR 0 52.696069 -2.461038
TF2 6AS 0 52.696104 -2.459189
TF2 6AT 2 52.695472 -2.462216