all postcodes in TF4 / TELFORD

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Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
TF4 3DE052.661287-2.470548
TF4 3DF052.661077-2.468994
TF4 3DG052.661348-2.46876
TF4 3DH052.660022-2.467445
TF4 3DJ052.660674-2.46862
TF4 3DL052.660308-2.467995
TF4 3DN052.660035-2.468805
TF4 3DP052.659261-2.466638
TF4 3DQ052.660804-2.467616
TF4 3DR052.659211-2.467954
TF4 3DS052.659733-2.470118
TF4 3DT152.659446-2.471487
TF4 3DU352.658956-2.4711
TF4 3DW052.660391-2.46974
TF4 3DX052.659098-2.469357
TF4 3DY052.658629-2.467386
TF4 3DZ052.657394-2.46823
TF4 3EA052.657594-2.467774
TF4 3EB052.656475-2.46649
TF4 3ED052.65615-2.464595