all postcodes in TF6 / TELFORD

find any address or company within the TF6 postcode district

Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF6 6EF 0 52.760249 -2.502452
TF6 6EG 0 52.752135 -2.468623
TF6 6EJ 0 52.760115 -2.539216
TF6 6EQ 0 52.75523 -2.480582
TF6 6ER 0 52.719312 -2.520086
TF6 6ES 0 52.719798 -2.516614
TF6 6ET 0 52.729069 -2.5173
TF6 6EW 0 52.78963 -2.548463
TF6 6EX 0 52.794536 -2.546134
TF6 6EY 1 52.730229 -2.519966
TF6 6EZ 0 52.727934 -2.528601
TF6 6HA 5 52.734451 -2.53878
TF6 6HD 0 52.737053 -2.541908
TF6 6HE 0 52.734394 -2.545296
TF6 6HF 2 52.738624 -2.541718
TF6 6HL 0 52.742659 -2.538778
TF6 6HN 0 52.743603 -2.548581
TF6 6HP 0 52.742179 -2.556888
TF6 6HQ 0 52.739148 -2.535787
TF6 6HR 0 52.753443 -2.547253