all postcodes in TF9 / MARKET DRAYTON

find any address or company within the TF9 postcode district

Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF9 1BB 11 0 52.898065 -2.494517
TF9 1BD 15 0 52.898435 -2.494164
TF9 1BE 15 0 52.89817 -2.492927
TF9 1BG 24 0 52.897998 -2.491216
TF9 1BJ 1 1 52.905348 -2.484697
TF9 1BP 20 0 52.900192 -2.49524
TF9 1BQ 15 0 52.898644 -2.491327
TF9 1BS 7 0 52.900387 -2.49603
TF9 1BT 9 0 52.900296 -2.496267
TF9 1BU 22 0 52.900039 -2.497438
TF9 1BX 7 0 52.899601 -2.497002
TF9 1BY 7 0 52.899792 -2.498402
TF9 1BZ 6 0 52.899481 -2.499855
TF9 1DA 20 0 52.899479 -2.497416
TF9 1DB 13 0 52.898965 -2.498467
TF9 1DD 25 0 52.898781 -2.497424
TF9 1DE 2 0 52.899338 -2.496746
TF9 1DF 6 0 52.898647 -2.496351
TF9 1DG 18 0 52.896667 -2.497801
TF9 1DH 6 0 52.896297 -2.495805