all postcodes in TN1 / TUNBRIDGE WELLS

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN1 1DX 19 0 51.133037 0.260016
TN1 1DY 9 0 51.133559 0.260071
TN1 1DZ 2 1 51.134062 0.260466
TN1 1EA 10 0 51.134457 0.260615
TN1 1EB 2 0 51.128287 0.260157
TN1 1ED 11 10 51.135058 0.260659
TN1 1EE 10 10 51.134985 0.262527
TN1 1EN 16 9 51.134408 0.261641
TN1 1EP 1 1 51.12926 0.267522
TN1 1ET 3 3 51.134506 0.262632
TN1 1EY 8 1 51.135392 0.261991
TN1 1EZ 1 1 51.135246 0.26164
TN1 1HA 22 1 51.13568 0.261533
TN1 1HB 9 0 51.131683 0.260351
TN1 1HE 43 20 51.131019 0.260618
TN1 1HF 11 0 51.130549 0.260382
TN1 1HG 7 0 51.131329 0.260534
TN1 1HJ 7 7 51.131189 0.262643
TN1 1HL 17 0 51.131352 0.259778
TN1 1HN 5 0 51.133059 0.260819