all postcodes in TN11 / TONBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN11 9QX 2 1 51.22635 0.293002
TN11 9QY 7 0 51.237162 0.301191
TN11 9RA 4 1 51.22579 0.312827
TN11 9RB 5 0 51.232714 0.32058
TN11 9RD 6 0 51.239025 0.321111
TN11 9RE 7 0 51.24126 0.3223
TN11 9RF 2 0 51.242806 0.320929
TN11 9RG 6 1 51.244322 0.316651
TN11 9RH 5 0 51.246513 0.306343
TN11 9RJ 2 0 51.235923 0.300139
TN11 9RL 4 0 51.242633 0.301048
TN11 9RN 5 0 51.245549 0.299116
TN11 9RQ 3 1 51.246222 0.311516
TN11 9RR 10 0 51.244959 0.297109
TN11 9RS 2 0 51.247595 0.299747
TN11 9RT 6 0 51.250692 0.298742
TN11 9RU 9 1 51.248313 0.307207
TN11 9RX 3 0 51.242839 0.30199
TN11 9SA 2 0 51.251161 0.307707
TN11 9SB 7 0 51.251748 0.307666