all postcodes in TN12 / TONBRIDGE

find any address or company within the TN12 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN12 5BE 9 0 51.213025 0.385543
TN12 5BG 4 0 51.213194 0.385179
TN12 5BH 6 0 51.213579 0.383524
TN12 5BJ 23 0 51.214891 0.382675
TN12 5BL 6 0 51.216098 0.382165
TN12 5BN 10 0 51.213941 0.383815
TN12 5BP 12 0 51.214051 0.385066
TN12 5BQ 6 1 51.213416 0.384461
TN12 5BS 22 0 51.214935 0.384482
TN12 5BT 24 2 51.214847 0.383948
TN12 5BU 10 0 51.215519 0.380961
TN12 5BW 12 0 51.213985 0.384333
TN12 5BX 6 0 51.214992 0.379917
TN12 5DA 42 0 51.214491 0.380679
TN12 5DB 9 0 51.214078 0.381516
TN12 5DD 8 0 51.213562 0.381676
TN12 5DE 20 0 51.212968 0.380371
TN12 5DF 18 0 51.213481 0.380369
TN12 5DG 6 0 51.213255 0.382176
TN12 5DH 16 0 51.213752 0.379409