all postcodes in TN14 / SEVENOAKS

find any address or company within the TN14 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN14 5GS 0 51.289968 0.199801
TN14 6AA 12 0 51.273772 0.142611
TN14 6AB 13 3 51.280687 0.127876
TN14 6AD 16 0 51.279408 0.124992
TN14 6AE 1 1 51.282306 0.122387
TN14 6AG 7 0 51.287828 0.12039
TN14 6AH 15 0 51.290895 0.118408
TN14 6AJ 1 0 51.297627 0.116122
TN14 6AL 3 0 51.289021 0.124561
TN14 6AN 1 0 51.290134 0.133046
TN14 6AP 4 0 51.298395 0.108439
TN14 6AR 8 0 51.26769 0.117083
TN14 6AS 4 0 51.264526 0.122354
TN14 6AT 17 0 51.270427 0.1268
TN14 6AU 8 0 51.262625 0.124132
TN14 6AX 10 0 51.259949 0.121428
TN14 6AY 1 0 51.255923 0.122246
TN14 6BA 10 1 51.251832 0.115192
TN14 6BB 2 0 51.254132 0.109335
TN14 6BD 6 0 51.256303 0.115141