all postcodes in TN14 / SEVENOAKS

find any address or company within the TN14 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN14 7ET 7 0 51.326558 0.131994
TN14 7EU 30 3 51.328537 0.133937
TN14 7EX 2 1 51.328448 0.132898
TN14 7EY 48 0 51.325796 0.133308
TN14 7HA 24 0 51.326117 0.131026
TN14 7HB 35 0 51.327448 0.13149
TN14 7HD 23 0 51.327419 0.133613
TN14 7HE 5 0 51.329984 0.134478
TN14 7HF 11 0 51.330077 0.133291
TN14 7HG 10 1 51.330406 0.134024
TN14 7HH 12 0 51.341723 0.121957
TN14 7HJ 2 0 51.343938 0.118382
TN14 7HL 1 0 51.343738 0.118432
TN14 7HN 25 0 51.341897 0.118848
TN14 7HP 9 0 51.34507 0.123835
TN14 7HQ 8 1 51.335044 0.127707
TN14 7HR 6 3 51.345434 0.13159
TN14 7HW 23 0 51.341491 0.116849
TN14 7JA 4 0 51.315232 0.120806
TN14 7JB 18 0 51.31562 0.122231