all postcodes in TN14 / SEVENOAKS

find any address or company within the TN14 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN14 5DN 17 1 51.290922 0.191643
TN14 5DP 45 0 51.294674 0.19112
TN14 5DQ 11 9 51.291252 0.193724
TN14 5DR 4 0 51.290691 0.19202
TN14 5DS 36 0 51.291615 0.192122
TN14 5DU 27 0 51.294268 0.191674
TN14 5DW 2 1 51.292977 0.189489
TN14 5DX 8 0 51.292356 0.192888
TN14 5DY 20 0 51.293098 0.192192
TN14 5DZ 32 0 51.294402 0.192183
TN14 5EA 1 1 51.296423 0.195693
TN14 5EB 49 0 51.294778 0.192746
TN14 5ED 33 0 51.293456 0.193213
TN14 5EE 27 0 51.293862 0.194122
TN14 5EF 1 1 51.290747 0.192796
TN14 5EG 7 7 51.295736 0.192031
TN14 5EH 6 0 51.300433 0.194278
TN14 5EL 35 29 51.299033 0.195988
TN14 5EQ 1 1 51.294938 0.194288
TN14 5ER 5 0 51.291308 0.19172