all postcodes in TN15 / SEVENOAKS

find any address or company within the TN15 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN15 0EU 10 0 51.284064 0.25631
TN15 0EX 6 0 51.284126 0.256756
TN15 0EY 3 0 51.281982 0.252779
TN15 0EZ 8 0 51.284441 0.254493
TN15 0GR 15 0 51.260533 0.308651
TN15 0HA 5 0 51.278077 0.253407
TN15 0HB 10 2 51.27679 0.25991
TN15 0HD 5 0 51.27612 0.268064
TN15 0HH 11 0 51.281033 0.205384
TN15 0HJ 1 1 51.27599 0.202891
TN15 0HL 9 0 51.281974 0.207451
TN15 0HN 6 0 51.278779 0.209993
TN15 0HP 16 0 51.27723 0.215769
TN15 0HR 1 0 51.275131 0.223495
TN15 0HS 8 0 51.276342 0.210436
TN15 0HT 7 0 51.274991 0.208622
TN15 0HU 7 0 51.275381 0.218906
TN15 0HW 1 0 51.282028 0.205546
TN15 0HX 25 0 51.279421 0.215502
TN15 0HY 18 0 51.280699 0.213556