all postcodes in TN15 / SEVENOAKS

find any address or company within the TN15 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN15 9DU 0 51.277281 0.271765
TN15 9DX 0 51.277345 0.27498
TN15 9DY 0 51.278947 0.273983
TN15 9DZ 0 51.278794 0.274879
TN15 9EA 0 51.277636 0.278478
TN15 9EB 1 51.278178 0.274604
TN15 9ED 0 51.280498 0.27555
TN15 9EH 1 51.278978 0.276479
TN15 9EE 0 51.279942 0.280586
TN15 9HA 1 51.286276 0.2846
TN15 9HB 0 51.28569 0.284671
TN15 9HE 0 51.286676 0.287085
TN15 9HG 0 51.286869 0.286479
TN15 9HH 1 51.286839 0.286118
TN15 9HJ 0 51.287415 0.28665
TN15 9HL 0 51.287021 0.287448
TN15 9HN 0 51.287272 0.288894
TN15 9HP 0 51.287751 0.288316
TN15 9HS 1 51.289185 0.289908
TN15 9JA 1 51.291354 0.293515