all postcodes in TN16 / WESTERHAM

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN16 3XU 35 0 51.313931 0.026152
TN16 3XX 30 0 51.312425 0.02643
TN16 3XY 33 1 51.31117 0.026203
TN16 3XZ 18 7 51.313572 0.029236
TN16 3YA 1 0 51.314322 0.033717
TN16 3YB 32 0 51.305319 0.022832
TN16 3YE 12 0 51.309808 0.032126
TN16 3YN 12 11 51.319331 0.033738
TN16 3ZE 1 1 51.314322 0.033717
TN16 3ZL 1 1 51.314322 0.033717
TN16 3ED 0 51.315407 0.033378
TN16 3PS 2 51.320712 0.030885
TN16 3GB 0 51.332041 0.02418
TN16 3GD 0 51.330761 0.024899
TN16 3GG 0 51.33202 0.025902
TN16 3GH 0 51.331889 0.026757
TN16 3GJ 0 51.330211 0.024975
TN16 3GL 0 51.331898 0.025207
TN16 3GF 0 51.331287 0.024606
TN16 3BF 0 51.307158 0.040732