all postcodes in TN17 / CRANBROOK

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN17 2ET 7 0 51.101158 0.538995
TN17 2EU 10 0 51.10356 0.539784
TN17 2EX 16 0 51.102911 0.53895
TN17 2HA 4 0 51.102406 0.538193
TN17 2HB 4 0 51.1025 0.537598
TN17 2HD 4 0 51.102561 0.536929
TN17 2HE 6 0 51.102915 0.536763
TN17 2HF 6 1 51.102747 0.536196
TN17 2HG 3 0 51.103216 0.536965
TN17 2HH 9 0 51.103683 0.537833
TN17 2HJ 14 0 51.103091 0.537372
TN17 2HL 31 0 51.103069 0.538357
TN17 2HN 2 0 51.108372 0.545921
TN17 2HP 6 0 51.108786 0.548014
TN17 2HR 26 2 51.109336 0.546701
TN17 2HS 7 0 51.111715 0.551461
TN17 2HT 4 0 51.112136 0.551513
TN17 2HU 6 0 51.109913 0.549148
TN17 2HW 4 0 51.108858 0.550918
TN17 2HX 12 0 51.109965 0.553337