all postcodes in TN17 / CRANBROOK

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN17 3PX 10 0 51.082309 0.510091
TN17 3QA 7 1 51.08221 0.509314
TN17 3QB 10 0 51.08175 0.510231
TN17 3QD 14 1 51.07974 0.509979
TN17 3QE 3 0 51.085982 0.507876
TN17 3QG 9 6 51.08497 0.512305
TN17 3QJ 36 0 51.086778 0.512303
TN17 3QL 2 0 51.086802 0.512762
TN17 3QN 1 1 51.088186 0.513293
TN17 3QP 30 0 51.088917 0.515289
TN17 3QR 2 0 51.091286 0.519675
TN17 3QS 7 0 51.087399 0.514364
TN17 3QT 8 0 51.087839 0.514788
TN17 3QU 5 0 51.088137 0.515175
TN17 3QX 20 1 51.089586 0.517154
TN17 3QY 33 0 51.087544 0.51263
TN17 3RA 1 0 51.091437 0.520224
TN17 3RB 2 2 51.096115 0.535078
TN17 3RG 27 0 51.091054 0.535772
TN17 3QQ 0 51.082649 0.50938