all postcodes in TN17 / CRANBROOK

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN17 4EY 2 0 51.062056 0.576106
TN17 4EZ 12 0 51.060547 0.577334
TN17 4HA 16 0 51.057504 0.574996
TN17 4HB 9 0 51.056424 0.573023
TN17 4HD 12 0 51.056704 0.574496
TN17 4HE 3 0 51.057054 0.571704
TN17 4HF 2 0 51.058085 0.571033
TN17 4HG 5 0 51.058271 0.571627
TN17 4HH 31 3 51.054188 0.570746
TN17 4HJ 20 6 51.051151 0.566966
TN17 4HL 15 0 51.046326 0.563489
TN17 4HN 3 0 51.050709 0.642855
TN17 4HP 27 0 51.05421 0.572658
TN17 4HQ 6 0 51.058051 0.573884
TN17 4HX 2 0 51.057274 0.571488
TN17 4HR 4 0 51.052987 0.571434
TN17 4HS 8 0 51.05332 0.574706
TN17 4HT 7 1 51.052965 0.576913
TN17 4JA 1 1 51.062567 0.612329
TN17 4JB 5 0 51.062897 0.61202