all postcodes in TN1 / TUNBRIDGE WELLS

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN1 2AN 6 0 51.135689 0.262462
TN1 2AP 5 4 51.135538 0.263225
TN1 2AR 9 0 51.135515 0.26354
TN1 2AS 39 18 51.136411 0.262696
TN1 2AW 1 1 51.135907 0.26233
TN1 2AX 1 1 51.137214 0.262223
TN1 2AY 35 8 51.13646 0.262128
TN1 2AZ 1 1 51.136703 0.262584
TN1 2BB 45 0 51.137644 0.263143
TN1 2BD 33 0 51.137245 0.263411
TN1 2BE 2 0 51.136961 0.263581
TN1 2YG 1 1 51.136041 0.264238
TN1 2BJ 6 3 51.135134 0.263722
TN1 2BL 4 2 51.135444 0.264881
TN1 2BP 32 1 51.135855 0.264586
TN1 2BS 5 0 51.135716 0.264765
TN1 2BT 43 5 51.13685 0.265678
TN1 2BU 6 0 51.137658 0.266647
TN1 2BW 9 0 51.138216 0.267132
TN1 2BX 5 0 51.138003 0.26695