all postcodes in TN21 / HEATHFIELD

find any address or company within the TN21 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN21 9NX 0 50.932359 0.343041
TN21 9PA 0 50.939142 0.34072
TN21 9PB 0 50.957668 0.326599
TN21 9PD 1 50.958938 0.322875
TN21 9PE 29 1 50.95987 0.316726
TN21 9PH 6 0 50.959363 0.310976
TN21 9PJ 11 0 50.956678 0.310587
TN21 9PL 5 0 50.951457 0.313973
TN21 9PN 3 0 50.943815 0.314519
TN21 9PP 4 0 50.950647 0.306045
TN21 9PQ 8 0 50.959536 0.308436
TN21 9PR 1 0 50.953659 0.304257
TN21 9PS 13 1 50.948114 0.303613
TN21 9PT 6 0 50.939411 0.293831
TN21 9PU 1 0 50.937176 0.289308
TN21 9PX 11 0 50.93835 0.301607
TN21 9QA 8 0 50.933046 0.307835
TN21 9QB 14 0 50.92463 0.303634
TN21 9QD 13 1 50.941079 0.313244
TN21 9QE 5 1 50.941793 0.313948