all postcodes in TN21 / HEATHFIELD

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN21 0EQ 0 50.933242 0.242901
TN21 0ER 2 50.935467 0.244346
TN21 0ES 0 50.93512 0.243931
TN21 0ET 1 50.935761 0.243592
TN21 0EU 0 50.936329 0.24443
TN21 0EX 0 50.936015 0.243447
TN21 0EY 2 50.935533 0.245616
TN21 0EZ 1 50.936393 0.246483
TN21 0HA 0 50.937161 0.247232
TN21 0HB 4 50.935311 0.246858
TN21 0HD 1 50.935437 0.248458
TN21 0HE 0 50.934855 0.251149
TN21 0HF 0 50.93439 0.253347
TN21 0HG 1 50.936138 0.254356
TN21 0HH 0 50.93474 0.249193
TN21 0HJ 0 50.933992 0.247848
TN21 0HL 0 50.934927 0.245075
TN21 0HN 0 50.934149 0.246233
TN21 0HP 0 50.930703 0.247248
TN21 0HQ 0 50.934573 0.247093