all postcodes in TN22 / MAYFIELD

find any address or company within the TN22 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN22 4BJ 5 0 51.008122 0.128462
TN22 4BL 6 0 51.00609 0.126118
TN22 4BN 20 0 51.006024 0.11588
TN22 4BP 3 0 51.002778 0.115803
TN22 4BQ 8 0 51.01269 0.147291
TN22 4BT 4 0 51.009107 0.101349
TN22 4BU 4 0 51.012197 0.100735
TN22 4BX 2 0 51.018463 0.11519
TN22 4BY 32 3 51.024926 0.11299
TN22 4BZ 1 0 51.018818 0.111073
TN22 4DB 8 1 51.032314 0.115635
TN22 4DD 1 1 51.035451 0.115822
TN22 4DE 4 0 51.038883 0.119017
TN22 4DP 18 0 50.989688 0.127319
TN22 4DR 4 0 50.996742 0.156232
TN22 4DT 4 0 50.99546 0.156314
TN22 4DU 9 0 50.997387 0.17077
TN22 4DX 8 1 51.000076 0.170953
TN22 4EA 8 0 51.001968 0.176558
TN22 4EB 1 0 51.000566 0.182735