all postcodes in TN22 / MAYFIELD

find any address or company within the TN22 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN22 5WN 10 0 50.961311 0.107551
TN22 5WU 1 1 50.967863 0.086443
TN22 5XA 11 0 50.936611 0.062383
TN22 5XB 22 1 50.93603 0.063738
TN22 5XD 2 0 50.938718 0.061764
TN22 5XE 2 0 50.940187 0.062085
TN22 5XG 21 1 50.941347 0.061284
TN22 5XH 8 0 50.939191 0.061472
TN22 5XJ 3 0 50.937975 0.056977
TN22 5XL 1 0 50.939746 0.061582
TN22 5XN 20 0 50.94004 0.060984
TN22 5XP 11 0 50.942626 0.059134
TN22 5XR 9 1 50.946889 0.060972
TN22 5UP 2 0 50.945067 0.060778
TN22 5EU 2 1 50.937409 0.063557
TN22 5XS 3 1 50.944461 0.06095
TN22 5XT 4 0 50.951842 0.06182
TN22 5XU 9 0 50.951522 0.06266
TN22 5XX 4 0 50.960496 0.062217
TN22 5XY 12 0 50.963625 0.063578