all postcodes in TN22 / MAYFIELD

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN22 5EL 64 0 50.961449 0.097591
TN22 5EN 41 0 50.962748 0.097849
TN22 5EP 2 2 50.989286 0.089767
TN22 5ES 1 1 50.94148 0.099781
TN22 5EY 12 0 50.940456 0.061857
TN22 5EZ 8 0 50.940793 0.062655
TN22 5GU 1 0 50.967859 0.086469
TN22 5HA 43 18 50.968114 0.109528
TN22 5HB 6 0 50.966798 0.119595
TN22 5HD 6 0 50.963757 0.154063
TN22 5HX 8 0 50.961256 0.158803
TN22 5HE 9 0 50.963089 0.18374
TN22 5HF 1 0 50.960237 0.181385
TN22 5HG 14 7 50.96648 0.176763
TN22 5HH 2 0 50.961452 0.182609
TN22 5HL 2 0 50.961502 0.181828
TN22 5HN 10 4 50.969228 0.181364
TN22 5HP 9 0 50.974638 0.174068
TN22 5HQ 40 0 50.967615 0.094251
TN22 5HR 3 0 50.972329 0.172451