all postcodes in TN23 / ASHFORD

find any address or company within the TN23 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN23 1JW 6 0 51.149876 0.868089
TN23 1JX 8 0 51.149342 0.868211
TN23 1JY 7 0 51.14921 0.867716
TN23 1JZ 19 0 51.148961 0.867973
TN23 1LA 1 1 51.149388 0.868914
TN23 1LE 7 7 51.149595 0.870014
TN23 1LF 23 1 51.148682 0.868728
TN23 1LG 11 0 51.14834 0.867977
TN23 1LH 4 1 51.148615 0.866695
TN23 1LJ 31 1 51.14929 0.865919
TN23 1LN 37 5 51.149301 0.864748
TN23 1LP 2 0 51.149746 0.865678
TN23 1LR 1 51.150226 0.864433
TN23 1LT 0 51.15048 0.861431
TN23 1LU 0 51.151738 0.86148
TN23 1LW 0 51.149575 0.863477
TN23 1LY 0 51.151596 0.862859
TN23 1LZ 0 51.151222 0.863065
TN23 1NA 0 51.150008 0.862689
TN23 1NB 0 51.150447 0.863131